Incredible India has announced 2018 as the year of adventure travel at this year’s WTM.

As part of the adventure travel initiative for next year, the aim is to drive tourism to the destination 365 days a year.
India will celebrate adventure travel in 2018, for which many states are suited to travel to in all seasons. The Ministry of Tourism will produce a new film showcasing adventure and active travel opportunities that India has to offer.
The ministry will have standards and safety guidelines for adventure travel across the country and the adventure travel industry is working in close coordination with the ministry to create programs focusing on the sector throughout the year.
As a part of the Incredible India 2.0 campaign, the focus has shifted from a generic to market-specific and thematic promotion.
As a part of this initiative, a revamped Incredible India portal will be launched in December 2017. This will be more interactive, informative, picture-led, and showcasing the various themes being promoted.
The tourism board is also promoting Homestay tourism, with a focus on the standardisation of accommodation in the sector across numerous states, in line with the increasing desire for authentic and off-the-beaten-track tourism experiences.
The 24/7 tourism helpline, which is currently available to all tourists, will continue to assist travellers while travelling in India. This helpline is available in 10 foreign languages.
In line with the increasing focus on experiential and wellness travel in the UK market, the tourism board is showcasing a lively celebration of spiritual tourism on its stand for WTM 2017.