The Paths of Wellbeing, “I Sentieri del Benessere” in Southern Italy “Basilicata”

There is a new idea of tourism that is gaining popularity and is related to the pursuit of wellbeing. However, this pursuit is not only about the tourist experience but also about everyday life. From this perspective, the small urban centers of Basilicata can guarantee a high standard of wellbeing linked to a still good quality of life and slower rhythms compared to life in big cities. In this context, the “I Sentieri del Benessere” project was born.
This project focuses on the universal right to the wellbeing of communities, anchored to the environmental conditions of the territorial contexts, which is a crucial issue for Basilicata. Wellbeing is expressed in the five municipalities of the project along paths that touch nature, culture, food, aiming to create cohesion between internal areas and the coast, between Pollino and the Ionian, between the province of Potenza and that of Matera. The goal is to strengthen the offer of services and products, cultural rather than touristic, for the communities. Working around this axis can ensure these territories a strategic positioning in terms of development and improvement of living conditions.
This initiative, like a breath of new life, aims to enhance the identity of the territories, valuing cultural, historical, natural, and landscape riches, and promoting care and wellbeing experiences for residents and visitors. The project involves the municipalities of Latronico, Nova Siri, Chiaromonte, San Severino Lucano, and others, in a joint embrace that centers on sustainability, financed by the Region of Basilicata. This initiative is not an isolated work but represents the beginning of a broader strategy, like the first chords of a symphony destined to grow. It foresees the creation of a public-private association, betting on a virtuous interaction between local administrations and the business fabric. The objective is twofold: on the one hand, to revitalize the Lucanian villages, transforming them into places of life, work, and rest; on the other, to attract and encourage the return of Lucanians dispersed around the world, strengthening the bond with their homeland.
The project is articulated in various initiatives ranging from the restoration of historical buildings to the realization of cultural events, from the increase of tourist infrastructures to the promotion of local gastronomic excellences. An emblematic example is the restoration of a palace in the historic center of Rotonda, destined to become a pole of food excellence, and the enhancement of local PDO products, such as the white bean and the red eggplant. “I Sentieri del Benessere” is configured as a territorial development project that aspires to create a virtuous circle of economic and cultural growth, focused on wellbeing and sustainability. Through the collaboration between municipalities, the initiative promises to be a replicable model, capable of generating a significant impact not only at the local level but also at the regional level, opening new perspectives for Basilicata in the national and international panorama.
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